Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Indy has been giving our 15-year-old dog, Buddy, a very hard time. He chases him and tries to get him to play and --- well, like any "little brother" --- tries to annoy him just a little. In this picture they are shown sleeping side by side in a moment (...just a moment...) of peace.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Denece's Puppy Dog Tales

Hello, everyone! I'm going to blog about life with my dogs, Buddy and Indy...and my husband, Galen, too. Right now, it's all about our new puppy, Indy, around our household. That's him pictured on the right. He is a five pound Shih Tzu, busy living up to his adventurer name. He is a spirited puppy, as the video will show you.